Halo Review - Redcon1

A MAK-Honest Review of Halo

Supplement type: Test Boosters

If you’re serious about gains, Halo has a massive 400 mg of 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin per capsules! What does this mean for you? It means Halo will put your rate of recovery into overdrive.

Almost instant sleep improvements, better quality training sessions and more physical changed than you’ve ever experienced.

      Key Features

      • Improve protein synthesis by 200%
      • Gain lean muscle mass
      • Exceptional anti-catabolic ingredients

          Suggested Use

          It is recommended women take one capsule per day while men can take up to 2 per day.

          It is further recommended that Halo be taken in 12 week cycles with a 4-week break at the end of each for the best long-term efficiency. 60 caps Per bottle

          Note: In other supplements, Laxogenin comes in at 25mg to 50mg per serve and mixed with other ingredients. Halo delivers the biggest, purest Laxogenin hit, giving you more bang for your money.