Clean Mass


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Sale price $89.95 AUD Regular price $99.95 AUD
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Packing on mass isn't easy - and neither is finding a way to hit the sweet spot on macros day in and day out to fuel optimised lean gains, without putting...

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Size: 2.72kg
Flavour: Choc Fudge Sundae
Clean Mass - Choc Fudge Sundae - MAX's | MAK Fitness
$89.95 AUD
2.72kg / Choc Fud...

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Packing on mass isn't easy - and neither is finding a way to hit the sweet spot on macros day in and day out to fuel optimised lean gains, without putting on triple the size in fat instead. A swole rig (like Max) is certainly sought after - but the secret is, you can't fuel gains with a diet designed to cut. Clean Mass provides the perfect ratio of protein content to carbohydrate content to get you the growth you're working so hard for, whilst also keeping your muscles in a prolonged anabolic state - meaning the fuel you take goes directly towards growth. You'll be bigger, yet just as lean (maybe leaner!) in no time with Clean Mass legends.

- Comprehensive formulation to ensure you remain anabolic, growing, recovered and healthy at all times - Contains MAX's Anabolic Protein Blend, combining 5 unique proteins for a synergetic release - Contains Glycoforce, a unique MAX's carb complex with extended release to inhibit storage of carbs as fat - Specifically formulated to promote lean muscle mass

Gone are the days of dirty bulks, followed by difficult and torturous shreds on repeat through the year. The better way? Build while staying lean, all year around. Pizzas, meat pies and ice cream might not do it for you, but we know Clean Mass will. You'll still be in a surplus, fuelling your body towards becoming Hulk, Arnold, or whoever your idol might be - after all, your body can't build with no building blocks. However, with Clean Mass on your side, your body is able to put every calorie of your day towards muscle growth, for lean mass and the lean body you've always wanted, always.

Clean Mass starts the magic with its unique contribution of proteins. This includes the same unique protein blend found within Shred System - a comprehensive combination of Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides, Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), Casein and Milk Protein Isolate (MPI). While Hydrolyzed Whey Peptides provide an ultra rapidly absorbed and very readily utilised source of protein, Casein and Milk Protein Isolate provide sources of very slow, sustained protein releases. Therefore, you stay anabolic for longer - meaning you can pack on muscle, get bigger, get stronger, and get leaner (because muscle actually burns more than fat).

Clean Mass gains are also assisted by the GlycoForce Carb Complex. Don't freak - yes, there's carbs, but we promise, you'll want them. Carbohydrates are also essential to growth, not to mention important for energy for performance in the gym too. What makes MAX's Clean Mass special is the blend of fast, medium and slow absorbing carbs. Therefore, just like the protein blend above , the carbs are released in a sustained manner, to ensure ever carb is put to good use in replenishing glycogen stores, fuelling gains and driving insulin sensitivity - rather than being stored as fat. Fast acting cane sugars provide an almost immediate absorption, and are driven directly into muscle cells for recovery and their power to drive protein synthesis. Maltodextrins, Waxy Maize Starch and Fruit Sugar Extract provide medium absorbing carbs, to stabilise insulin levels and fuel metabolic processes required for growth. Slower Absorbing carbs are then added via Potato and Rice starches, to give a slow yet sustained carbohydrate release to muscles over several hours - keeping your metabolism anabolic.

Finally, Clean Mass contains a number of extra ingredients through its Clean Mass Support Matrix - including L-Glutamine, BCAAs, Creatine, Arginine, MCTs, CLA and Vitamins and Minerals. When we said comprehensive formula - we meant it. These ingredients all have individual functions when it comes to ensuring your body has EVERY nutrient it could possibly need to grow (such as the essential amino acids), every anabolic agent is there (such as creatine and arginine), and all potential health benefits to keep you #livingyourbestlife are there too (such as MCT oils, CLA, Vitamins & Minerals).


Is this product Vegan?

This product contains whey, which is derived from milk, and is therefore an animal-based product. Thus, this product is not suitable for a vegan lifestyle, or those with a lactose-intolerance.

Does this product contain any banned substances?

No, this product has been tested and confirmed to contain no banned substances. However, we advise that the list of banned substances as noted by the Australian Regulatory Board, ASADA, changes very frequently. For utmost assurance, please consult the ASADA Supplement Checker or contact the MAK Crew.

Is this product safe during pregnancy?

Use of this product is advised against for women during pregnancy without prior consultation with a medical professional. However, minimal evidence of adverse effects exist, and several sources and medical research projects have determined that women during pregnancy require a slightly increased protein intake to support optimal growth and health. Therefore, if choosing to use, consult a medical professional, and ensure the product uses all natural ingredients.

Is this product Gluten Free?

This product does contain traces of gluten, and we advise against use for those following a celiac or gluten-free diet.

[How to use?]

This product is a lean mass gainer, and thus, the appropriate serving size depends on your personal goals surrounding intensity of weight gain process.

Use this product as an additional supplement to your regular intake - thus boosting your overall caloric intake.

Combine 120g (4 scoops) of Clean Mass with 500mL of water or milk, and mix in shaker or blender.

Use 1-3 times daily, as suited to your goals.


[Nutritional Table]

[Nutritional Value]energy:460cal, protein:36.2g, sugars:2.3g, carbs:73.4g, fats:2.5g, serves:22

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