These capsules might be tiny, but boy oh boy are they powerful. Double Tap Capsules are the very first of the RedCon1 fat burner range and possibly the best and most powerful. Double Tap Capsules were created by the team as a true top shelf product, with high-potency effects on incinerating your fat and building you seriously high energy to continue doing you at your best and most powerful. Double Tap Capsules work to speed up your body, thus getting you and your energy production systems firing, to increase your metabolism and burn more fat and calories - even at rest. And best of all, they're convenient.
- One of the most powerful fat burning products to ever exist - Provides significant elevation in energy levels, mood and motivation - High quality, and extremely premium product - Ultra-convenient and quickly absorbed and utilised by the body
Double Tap Capsules certainly weren't designed by the RedCon1 Labs to muck around. They are here to get the job done - to burn your fat better and faster than any product ever has before. Double Tap Capsules combine only the best and most effective ingredients, in potent and efficacious, clinically-proven dosages to create one very powerful, extreme fat burning capsule. Not only will Double Tap Capsules get you in your very leanest and best shape with fat burn ramped to the very maximum, but yin our best most and mindset to truly perform too - wth extreme energy and focus that is bound to get you through absolutely anything and everything.
So what's actually within Double Tap Capsules? Surprisingly, the formulation isn't too long and complex. However, every ingredient has earned its place and offers nothing but the strongest and more soght-after benefits. First up is Acetyl L-Carnitine, a fat mobiliser to aid the transportation of fatty acids out of the fatty deposit stores, and instead into the working muscle to be burn and utilised for energy production.
Second is the caffiene contribution - through a unique 50:50 blend of Caffeine Anhydrous and Caffeine Di-Malate to formulate a total 300mg dosage. In contrast to a non-blended formulation, Double Tap Capsules achieve a 'double peak' per say, and longevity of the boosted energy effects. The effects of caffiene are enhanced by Teacrine - a new and innovative ingredient. However, the role of caffiene not only assists in helping you to feel more energetic and focuses on whatever tasks await you. Caffeine also plays a strong contribution to Double Tap Capsules in supercharging your entire body and thus ramping up the speed your body works at - to boost fat burn and calorie burn.
Green Tea Extract and Cocoabuterol are the final two elements of the Double Tap Capsule's formulation, and are potentially two of the most important. Green Tea Extract has been a long-standing go-to as a fat burning compound. Cocoabuterol presents itself as a more new and innovative ingredient with cutting edge effects in 'getting the body going' to acerbate fat burn whilst also promoting a real feel good benefit - being uplifting and mood enhancing. These effects play a huge role in training and enhancing motivation through those times, but also within your every day life - because we know staying positive during dieting isn't easy.
Can I stack this product with Total War Pre-Workout?
We advise against taking both Double Tap and Total War together as a pre-workout shake. Both products contain a relatively high level of stimulants, and it is important to ensure moderation and safety in this aspect. Both products work well as a pre-workout individually. Alternatively, take Double Tap 3-4 hours before consumption of Total War. Or, take only a half serving of each product together.
Will this product prevent me from sleeping?
This product does contain caffeine, at a concentration of 150mg/capsule. Every personâs tolerance to caffeine is unique and different, so it is difficult to predict what effect this may have on your level of awareness and impact on sleep. We advise against consuming this product after 4pm, and suggest to begin use with a smaller dose (1/2 capsule) to assess tolerance. For those with a high sensitivity to caffeine, we recommend the non-stimulant version of this product.
Can I still drink coffee whilst taking this product?
From the experience of our crew here at MAK Fitness, we frequently combine the use of coffee and fat burners throughout the day, and have experienced no negative effects. However, it is important to note that both products do contribute to your daily caffeine intake. Generally, the maximum recommended intake of caffeine per day is 400mg (however individuals will differ). Assess your personal dosage of this product in addition to coffee to ensure you do not exceed this limit.
Does this product cause an unsettled stomach?
While an unsettled stomach is a rare symptom of fat burner products, we are aware that in certain circumstances this can occur. We advise allowing a minimum of 20 minutes without food both before and after consuming. For some users, a slightly longer time period may be required. From our experiences, this is usually the cause of an upset stomach.
What products should I use in addition to Double Tap?
This product is used for its fat burning properties. For optimal results in fat burning, we recommend use of both Acetyl L-Carnitine and a sleep formula with fat burning properties. In this case, your body has the potential to burn the most fat, at all hours of the day and night. When used as a pre-workout, some users like to combine with a non-stim pre-workout product, to gain optimal pump, focus and endurance benefits.
Is this product safe during pregnancy?
We strongly advise against the use of this product throughout or approaching pregnancy.
Is this product Vegan?
This product is not certified as vegan, and may contain some animal-based products or be produced in a facility that handles animal-based products such as whey protein. Therefore, for those leading a vegan lifestyle, consult alternative options.
Is this product safe for athletes subject to ASADA testing?
We advise not taking this substance if your chosen sport is subject to anti-doping testing. However, the ASADA Supplement Checker tool can be a valuable resource to use for verification.
[How to use?]
We recommend a serving size of 1 tablet, taken daily.
For optimal results and performance, two separate servings may be taken per day.
In this instance, ensure a 4-6 hour window between servings.
Ideal timing for use may be upon waking, and again mid afternoon if a second serving is taken.
Note that this product does contain caffeine, and use after 5pm should be avoided.
[Nutritional Table]

[Nutritional Value]energy:0cal, protein:0g, sugars:0g, carbs:0g, fats:0g, serves:30