GHOST® Lifestyle

GHOST® Legend


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Sale price $69.95 AUD Regular price $79.95 AUD
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Feel like a legend, every workout, legends! Whether you're just starting, a long term gym enthusiast, or a pro in the industry, we know you'll love GHOST LEGEND®. Its balanced,...

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Flavour: Lemon Lime
GHOST® Legend - Lemon Lime - GHOST® Lifestyle | MAK Fitness
$69.95 AUD
Lemon Lime

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Feel like a legend, every workout, legends! Whether you're just starting, a long term gym enthusiast, or a pro in the industry, we know you'll love GHOST LEGEND®. Its balanced, well formulated, comprehensive, and gives reliable effects every time you step foot inside the gym. Think stand out energy, wired mental focus and attention and premium pumps. GHOST LEGEND® is all-in all industry leading, from taste to physical performance, that will get you both feeling and performing at your very best.

- Boosted energy for powerful and explosive workouts - Improved strength and muscle pumps - Boosted mental performance, through focus, concentration and exercise adaptation - 100% Vegan-Friendly and disclosure of ingredients included I| GHOST LEGEND® has every single base covered. Energy, Pumps, Focus, Endurance, Strength. And what's more, it does this with real ingredients (no secret formula, you know exactly what's inside this one), in real dosages. GHOST LEGEND® was created with comprehensive research towards what was on the market already, and how to go a level above. And that's what we've got - a product that tastes amazing and exotic like never before, provides a strong and balanced, crash-free energy boost, and a specific list of ingredients that take the smoke and mirrors away, and get the intended effects through pure and simple science.

One ingredient contained within GHOST LEGEND® is Citrulline , through Pure L-Citrulline - one of the best pump ingredients on the market. While its significantly more common to see this contribution through 'Citrulline Malate', a blend of L-Citrulline and Malic Acid, GHOST LEGEND® makes for a much higher concentration, direct acting supplementation, which also anecdotally provides better pumps without the potential for stomach discomfort caused by the additional acid.

Another ingredient, Beta-Alanine, supplied in a 2g dose to ensure you get results, but its still safe to stack with other products (Like GHOST® Size). Beta Alanine is throughly understood and proven to have a direct effect on reducing muscular fatigue - which means one more rep, or one more set, better training performance, and in the long run, better gains. Caffeine within GHOST LEGEND® is another factor that keeps you going, and going strong, from start to finish through the workout. It delivers the necessary energy to make every session count, and delivers it through a unique combination of Caffeine Anhydrous + DiCaffeine Malate to provide an awesome punch without the crash. This is furthered by Rauwolfia, which perfects the energy side of GHOST Legend® with enhanced, long-lasting energy, and none of the anxiousness sometimes caused by similar ingredients.

Finally, GHOST LEGEND® contributes Agmatine Sulfate for legendary pumps, through a considerable body 500mg dosage, and Alpha-GPC, a powerful nootropic to boost your mental game and channel focus and alertness towards the workout specifically. These two ingredients perfect the masterpiece that GHOST LEGEND® is - as an all inclusive formula to ensure every box is ticked.


Will this product be too strong for me?

This pre-workout product does falls within the mid-stimulant category of our range. Pre-workouts contain ingredients which affect each person to a different extent - so we suggest to begin use with a smaller dose (1/2 scoop) to assess tolerance. If you are a new-user of pre-workouts, your tolerance is likely to be quite low, and we recommend considering a lower-stimulant product initially.

Will this product prevent me from sleeping?

This product does contain caffeine, at a concentration of 165mg/scoop. Every persons tolerance to caffeine is unique and different, so it is difficult to predict what effect this may have on your level of awareness and impact on sleep. We advise against consuming this product after 4pm, and suggest to begin use with a smaller dose (1/2 scoop) to assess tolerance. For those with a high sensitivity to caffeine, we recommend considering a non-stimulant product.

Is this product safe for athletes subject to ASADA testing?

We advise not taking this substance if anti-doping testing is subject to your chosen sport.

Is this product safe during pregnancy?

We strongly advise AGAINST the use of this product throughout pregnancy.

Is this product Vegan?

This product is vegan friendly and therefore, definitely suitable for those leading a vegan lifestyle.

Does this product feel tingly? like other pre-workouts?

The tingly feeling often attributed with some pre-workout products is contributed by the ingredient Beta Alanine. This effect is healthy and normal, and we ensure has no adverse side effects. However, this product exists in various dosages among our pre-workout range, and for those with a high sensitivity or preference against this effect, we advise to check the nutrition panel for a listing of 2g or less of Beta-Alanine.

[How to use?]

GHOST Legend is a pre-workout product and should only be used on training days.

We recommend a serve size of 1 scoops.

For some users, 1.5 - 2 scoops may be preferred - often this dosage is determined by the desired level of caffeine (contains 237mg per scoop).

Mix with 300-400mL water (cold tastes best!) or as preferred to achieve your personal desired level of sweetness.

For optimal benefits and effects, you may consider stacking this product with others from the GHOST range (such as GHOST Pump or GHOST BCAAs).


[Nutritional Table]

[Nutritional Value]energy:5cal, sugars:0g, carbs:1g, serves:30

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