This ones for the elitist, the top performers, and the athletes determined to prime themselves to the top of their game. When you're chasing nothing but the best results from yourself, why would you fuel yourself with anything less than the best? Gold Standard 100% Isolate is comprised with the highest grade of protein, Whey Protein Isolate. Combine this with its sources from Optimum Nutrition, the gods of supplementation when it comes to pure, quality and incredible tasting shakes, and you truly do have yourself the very best of the best.
- Extremely lean product! High in protein, low in carbs, fats and sugars. Perfect for all diets, including weight loss! - Top-shelf, premium quality protein to achieve performance results better and faster - Fast tracks absorption of protein to achieve rapid rates of recovery - Superior taste and mix-ability, being the most creamy and delicious milkshake-like protein powder we know!
Not all protein powders are made equal. Some are lean and pure with the capability to really add the edge on your performance and growth, others are little more than a marketing ploy actually stacked full of cheap ingredients, and unwanted carbs and fats. Without a single doubt or worry, Gold Standard Isolate is the former. With a lean and pure protein like Gold Standard Isolate on your side you can expect to see your athletic performance, physique and recovery rate sky rocket. Protein, as the building block of muscle, is the determinant of your body's ability to make real gains - through the rebuilding of damaged muscle tissues and the building of new muscle tissues. Gold Standard Isolate provides the highest quality and most pure of ingredients, in the most fast acting and readily utilised form possible, to kick-start the repair and recovery process almost instantly.
So what actually is Gold Standard Isolate? Gold Standard Isolate is comprised of 100% pure Whey Protein Isolate (WPI). To create Whey Protein Isolate, milk goes through the highest level of filtration - to take out almost all fat, cholesterol, lactose, carbs and sugars. This makes Gold Standard Isolate an incredibly lean and healthy protein. But, it also makes Gold Standard Isolate extremely dense in protein and nutrients - since that's essentially all that is left in the powder! This purity leaves your body with premium fuel to boost recovery and muscle synthesis, without any presence of the carbs and fats to set you back on achieving a lean body.
Another positive towards Gold Standard Isolate, as a pure Whey Protein Isolate powder, is its superior digestibility. As mentioned above, the filtration process to create isolate powder filters out a number of nutrients, such as lactose, that often cause some issues on the stomach and with digestibility. If you've noticed stomach cramps, excess gas, digestive discomfort or just a heavy feeling in the stomach after drinking protein before - lactose may likely be the cause. With Gold Standard Isolate, you still get all the vital nutrients and optimal amino acid profiles of milk-derived protein powders, but without any of the negative side effects.
Most importantly, Gold Standard Isolate keeps your taste buds happy too. Whether you yourself have tried a gluggy, gritty, watery or powdery tasting protein shake, or you've just heard horror stories from your mates about it, we promise you Gold Standard Isolate bears no similarity. Gold Standard Isolate is best described as a milkshake - creamy, smooth, milky and perfectly sweet. Your daily protein shake will be your favourite time of the day, it truly tastes that good.
How does this protein differ to other types (that are cheaper)?
Whey Isolate is a better quality, slower release protein. Therefore, the release to your body and muscle is slower, leaving you feeling fuelled and fuller for longer. This protein is ideal for those who like to use protein as a way to curb hunger throughout the day, or are looking for a higher quality fuel after their workouts.
Is this product Vegan?
This product contains whey, which is derived from milk, and is therefore an animal-based product. Thus, this product is not suitable for a vegan lifestyle, or those with a lactose-intolerance.
Does this product contain any banned substances?
No, this product has been tested and confirmed to contain no banned substances. However, we advise that the list of banned substances as noted by the Australian Regulatory Board, ASADA, changes very frequently. For utmost assurance, please consult the ASADA Supplement Checker or contact the MAK Crew.
Is this product safe during pregnancy?
Use of this product is advised against for women during pregnancy without prior consultation with a medical professional. However, minimal evidence of adverse effects exist, and several sources and medical research projects have determined that women during pregnancy require a slightly increased protein intake to support optimal growth and health. Therefore, if choosing to use, consult a medical professional, and ensure the product uses all natural ingredients.
Is this product Gluten Free?
This product does contain traces of gluten, and we advise against use for those following a celiac or gluten-free diet.
[How to use?]
We recommend a serving size of 1 heaped scoop (31g).
To mix, combine with 200-200mL of water (cold tastes best!), and use a shaker or blender to mix.
Depending on your dietary protein goals, several servings may be taken throughout the day (up to 4).
This product can be used at a variety of times - either directly post workout to aid muscle recovery, throughout the day as a convenient meal or snack, or mixed into smoothies or baked goods (such as pancakes) to increase protein intake.
[Nutritional Table]

[Nutritional Value]energy:110cal, protein:25g, sugars:0g, carbs:1g, fats:0.5g, serves:24