Workout: 02.01
Douglas Rosa
Get your legs burning with this quad buster. Performed either weighted or scaled to body weight this workout is sure to test your arms, chest and heart!
RX Version - On time!
- Bike: 1km - High Cadence
- Squats: 20 Reps - Weighted Vest
- Lunges: 40 Reps - Weighted Vest
- Box Jumps: 60 Reps - Weighted Vest
- 1 Mile Run: 1.6km - Weighted Vest
- Skipping: 120 Seconds - Weighted Vest
Do not advance in exercises until total rep count has been completed in each movement.Scaled Workout:
- Bike: 1km - Body Weight
- Squats: 20 Reps - Body Weight
- Lunges: 40 Reps - Body Weight
- Box Jumps: 60 Reps - Body Weight
- 1 Mile Run: 1.6km - Body Weight
- Skipping: 120 Seconds - Body Weight