Workout 21.04
Owen Rivadeneira-Cashen
This workout is sure to destroy you! This workout will test your full body and cardio capacity.
RX Version – On Time!
- Jerk: 10 Reps – 40kg
- Push Press: 20 Reps – 40kg
- GHD: 30 Reps – Bodyweight
- Wall Ball: 40 Reps – 10kg
- Handstand Walk: 50 Metres – Bodyweight
- Rower: 60 Calories – On Time!
- Handstand Walk: 50 Metres – Bodyweight
- Wall Ball: 40 Reps – 10kg
- GHD: 30 Reps – Bodyweight
- Push Press: 20 Reps – 40kg
- Jerk: 10 Reps – 40kg
Do not advance in exercises until total rep count has been completed for each movement.