14 articles Found
Workout 28.04
This workout is brutal, it will test you physically and mentally. This workout will test... -
Workout 14.04
This brutal workout is sure to test your back and biceps as well as cardio... -
Workout 04.03
This workout will test your arms and cardio capacity. RX Version – 5 Rounds On... -
Workout 15.02
This workout will test your biceps, triceps and cardio capacity. RX Version – 5 Rounds... -
Workout 14.02
This workout will test your upper body and core strength, leaving nothing untouched. RX Version... -
Workout: 07.02
This session is an arm killer. RX Version - 2 Rounds! Pull Ups: 100 Reps- Body Weight... -
Workout: 28.01
A full body blast, this workout is surely one of the hardest sessions you will... -
Workout: 24.01
A full body circuit, this workout is surely one of the hardest sessions you will...